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Alishan Forest Railway

  • Category
    Communication Design
  • SubCategory
    B-01 Corporate and brand identity
  • Applicant Company
    Cizoo&Co. / Taiwan
  • Manufacturer / Business Owner
    Alishan Forest Railway and Cultural Heritage Office Forestry Bureau, COA, Executive Yuan, Taiwan (R.O.C.) / Taiwan
  • Design Company
    Cizoo&Co. / Taiwan
  • Designer
    Chih-Ling Wang , Yun-Fang Liu & Chen-Wei Lin

"Enjoy the window view while traveling through the history of the forests" is the concept behind Alishan Forest Railway’s identity design. Window views, the head of the locomotive, sunrise and sea of ​​clouds are also featured in the design. Soaring birds with open wings circle around the forests to symbolize the Office’s determination to protect the railway and its cultural heritage. Smartly designed information sign board system and merchandise help elevate the brand to a new level.

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