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Enjoy the Night-1 Enjoy the Night-2 Enjoy the Night-3 Enjoy the Night-4 Enjoy the Night-5

Enjoy the Night

  • Category
    Communication Design
  • SubCategory
    B-01 Corporate and brand identity
  • Applicant Company
    CH-LAB Design Studio / China
  • Manufacturer / Business Owner
  • Design Company
    CH-LAB / China
  • Designer
    Ye Yang , Hengchong Yu , Zhiqing Ji & Jiayang Meng

We reflected on how to use the simplest and most representative elements of that area to design the key visual for the event. When we returned back to the area itself, we came up with the idea of a topography (park plan), capturing parts of the park area from the map and abstracting them to form the main element of the poster, with different parts of the map forming various visual forms.

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