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X5 Home Intelligent Robot-1 X5 Home Intelligent Robot-2 X5 Home Intelligent Robot-3 X5 Home Intelligent Robot-4 X5 Home Intelligent Robot-5

X5 Home Intelligent Robot

  • Category
    Product Design
  • SubCategory
    Home appliances
  • Applicant Company
    Shenzhen Dooo Design Co.,Ltd. / China
  • Manufacturer / Business Owner
    Shenzhen INXNI Innovation Technology Co., Ltd / China
  • Design Company
    Shenzhen Dooo Design Co., Ltd / China

The current home environment requires an increasing number of products to meet people's living needs, which is also a problem for home space. In order to meet people's various needs in daily life and reduce the usage space of items, enrich people's lives while not occupying too much home space, the X5 home intelligent robot was designed based on this design starting point. Unlike previous home service robots, this is the world's first space smart butler to upgrade cleaning capabilities from square to cubic. It can clean the floor and purify the air, and not only that, it can also play the role of an excellent intelligent audio system. Equipped with Harman Audio EFX level audio, providing a high-quality music experience while also featuring adjustable indoor tone ambient lighting. This product can become a command and control system for smart home appliances. The integrated design concept of home appliances, high-end design aesthetics, and outstanding professional abilities have made the product highly competitive.
The core design concept of technological minimalism aims to make people's lives simpler and easier through technology, thus presenting the overall beauty of technological simplicity. The appearance adopts a simple and gradual cylindrical shape, which can adapt to different styles and scenes of families. The combination of metallic spraying and transparent technology, coupled with silver plated decorative rings, brings users a exquisite product experience. The design of the lampshade emits emotional colors, allowing users to define the emotional atmosphere they need at any time through mobile apps.

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