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Ice Cube Mold

  • Category
    Product Design
  • SubCategory
    Kitchen & Tableware
  • Applicant Company
    Guangdong Ecoco Group Co., Ltd. / China
  • Manufacturer / Business Owner
    Guangdong Ecoco Group Co., Ltd. / China
  • Design Company
    Guangdong Ecoco Group Co., Ltd. / China

It's a multifunctional ice cube mold with easy water injection, ice exit and collection. Set it upright and go through the lid hole to inject water to a water level for quick fixed amount of water injection; After freezing, press the top lid with both hands to exit ice without turning it over; When you collect the ice cube, open the silicone stopper to pour it out without opening the lid.Although the ice cube mold is a common tool in daily life that is used quite frequently in summer, it's no easy job to use in operation.
While injecting water, you have to do it gingerly, repeatedly trying to aim for every grid only to make it overflow every now and then, which will get ice cubes sticking together. And after freezing, your hands have to go through the trouble of pressing every freezing grid, which is hard to finish in one go. Then you have to open the top lid and find the proper tool to collect the ice, after which the tool needs to be cleaned. As such, we decide to design an ice cube mold that subverts the whole process and makes it streamlined.

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