KangYang Shower
CategoryProduct Design
SubCategoryBathroom & Cleaning supplies
Applicant CompanyJOMOO Kitchen & Bath Co., Ltd. / China
Manufacturer / Business OwnerJOMOO Kitchen & Bath Co., Ltd. / China
Design CompanyJOMOO Kitchen & Bath Co., Ltd. / China
Well-being shower is a constant temperature shower designed for the elderly and injured. Its characteristic is the use of an integrated long handle design, which can weaken the directionality of operation and provide safety handrails, meeting the needs of users with limited mobility to switch and hold.
This product is designed based on the shower characteristics and needs of the elderly and injured. The waist and arm strength of the elderly and injured may decrease, and standing for a long time can cause pain. This shower switch has an armrest function, providing users with good assistance and safety protection, preventing slipping and falling, and has convenience and stability.
This design is mainly used in hospitals, nursing homes, and other places to provide new solutions for nursing bathrooms. The innovative handle design is more flexible and adaptable when used. Unlike traditional handles, it has a stronger structural design and can provide stable support. The minimalist geometric design has an affinity and pleasant touch, suitable for various bathroom scenes. The circular design element avoids sharp edges, thereby improving user friendliness.
With the development of society, the demand for aging products has increased, and this product meets the market demand for nursing homes and other products. The product contains a constant temperature module and has anti scalding function. The innovative handle design can meet the single-sided operation of the left or right hand, and can be used with various bathroom care products.