QUERAN“Ag+”Face Wash
CategoryCommunication Design
Applicant CompanyTencent CDC / China
Manufacturer / Business OwnerQUERAN / China
Design Companynone / China
This packaging design is entrusted by the Quran brand. It focuses on the selling point of 100% silver ion physical adsorption products. The whole package is wrapped with a pure silver printing process, which directly conveys the silver visual identification. It is concise and clear, and the chemical symbol of silver ion is extracted visually. "Ag+" is used as the symbol of the product's selling point, so that the main function and selling point of the product can be directly and quickly passed on to consumers in terms of symbols and colors. The font layout intentionally treats each message as a free ion, surrounding and adsorbing on each surface block The edges of the wireframe graphics are fully in line with the silver ion physical adsorption function of the product. The overall product conveys a healthy, clean, soft and ethereal feeling, adding a youthful atmosphere.